
LanShiuon was established in 1992 and is a specialized manufacturer of PTFE parts. Over the years, the company has adhered to the business philosophy of specialization and service, continuously developing new equipment, including computer automatic digital control technology. With professional and precise technology and strict quality control, we have developed high-quality PTFE parts in the industry. In 1995, Lansun won the Gold Award in the Asia-Pacific region and obtained ISO-9001 quality certification in 2001. Due to our persistent adherence to the principle of quality first, Lansun has achieved excellent results in the market and gained strong approval and support from customers.

LanShiuon is not only a supplier but also a partner in the joint development of valves. Adhering to the principle of prioritizing quality over quantity and excellence over scale, we are committed to controlling the quality of each product.


Shang Hai